giovedì 12 aprile 2007

We Bring to You, Father

What better way to have a liturgical song for the preparation of gifts (a.k.a. Offertory) than to have a liturgist write one. So here, I wrote these lyrics for a friend who wanted to compose a liturgical song at the preparation of gifts. The friend is a professor at the Conservatory of Music of St. Paul University - Manila. I wrote this with varying verses for each liturgical season.

We bring to you, Father, the fruit of our work.
Take and receive this bread and wine;
we put them in your hands.
By your grace, make them your gift to your people:
the Body and Blood of your Son, Jesus Christ.

Ordinary Time:
We bring to you this bread and wine
in remembrance of Christ.
In this meal that we share,
we partake of his sacrifice.

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